A previously written unpublished book by Ben Courson available for you to read for FREE!
Optimisfits offers a road map for a better way to live. It’s calling you to seize your status as an outsider and wage a fierce rebellion against the hopelessness of the world by living out an intensely optimistic approach to every day.
"With depth and clarity, Ben draws on his personal experience to offer you the practical tools and the courage you need to retaliate against the weight of darkness and walk forward in freedom."
- Levi Lusko
Flirting with Darkness, builds hope in the face of depression. Ben encourages you to not accept depression as a permanent state, but instead turn to the One who will champion your every struggle. He offers up the tools that helped him cling to God during his darkest moments.
"Ben Courson is a vital voice for this generation"
Rich Wilkerson Jr.